Warhammer 40k Black Legion Supplement Pdf Merge

2020. 2. 16. 10:23카테고리 없음

As a whole, the Black Legion is mostly regarded as a jokewithin the fandom. From Horus’ death to Abaddon the Despoiler’s repeated massslaughters of Black Crusades, it seems their every major campaign ends in totalfailure.

  1. Warhammer Black Legion

In fact given the latter’s use of a giant flying space gun, Abaddon isseemingly tied with Daala for levels of incompetence and insane schemes.Thankfully it’s with this book this finally changes, fleshing out not only the Legionitself but finally giving some real meaning to the idea Abaddon has beenwinning all the time. Rather than just consisting of the remnants of the Sons ofHorus, the Black Legion is a true crusading force. Built out of members of theother traitor legions, renegades and traitors, they have considerable strengthbut more than that they have unity. Beyond perhaps the Word Bearers, AlphaLegion and Iron Warriors they remain the only sizable group to maintain anyreal cohesion. Rather than repeatedly fighting one another, every factionmaintains some degree of co-operation as a result of Abaddon’s presence andserve him.

Better yet, they actually have some role within the legion as alarger force. The book details a fair number of these factions in turnwith brief but very well written points covering each. Several of thesefactions are devoted to specific gods or have additional roles within the force,with the possessed of their number serving as Navigators for the Legion’sships.

Others meanwhile consist of various factions who are listed under asingle name such as the Hounds of Abaddon, berserkers who hold Khorne’s favour,Others being the Oath-Broken, those who have failed the dark gods and Abaddon,distinguishable by their reliance upon crude replacements for their brokenbodies. This isn’t to say that the Codex: Black Legion completely denies the idea of Black Legion warbands,and it in fact it finally explains some points people have questioned before.Chief among these is what happened to the elements still loyal to Horus whenAbaddon took control of the Black Legion. Specifically it speaks of groups whostill venerate the primarch even in death, many of who still bear the old Sonsof Horus colours over Abaddon’s black. It gives just enough to make theminteresting but no more, not going overboard on its focus nor leaving themwoefully underdeveloped as other books might. More interestingly when showing Abaddon’s reaction tosplinter warbands, it makes the effort of showing him to be a shrewder leaderthan many would guess.

When confronting one such warband to bring them intocompliance with his Legion, Abaddon is described as refusing the brute forcetactics he is traditionally known for. Instead he opts to gain their trust firstthrough a longer means which gives him additional advantages, then behead itsleader. A process which, while taking longer, gave Abaddon far more in thelong term. This is what a sizable chunk of the book is really about: ShowingAbaddon being more than the thug and failure he is often perceived as, andinstead as someone playing a much longer game.

Warhammer 40k black legion supplement pdf merger

One of the very first things the book establishes is that Abaddon seeks to not repeat any of Horus' mistakes. His primarch's driven for a swift killing blow to the Imperium ultimately resulting in his defeat makes sense for these tactics as it ultimately led to his death. First by directly attacking Terra rather than establishing a true base of power, then getting himself killed when he sought to being a swift death to the Emperor.

Abaddon's efforts to make pacts with eldritch forces and gather weapons over the ten thousand year conflict make sense by comparison, as does his plan for the Crimson Path. A means intended to effectively overwhelm the defences of Cadia, then the other systems leading to Terra with continual massed intrusions into realspace by daemons. It's still following the forces' tactics of beheading an army's leadership hierarchy and Abaddon's conquest through overwhelming power but it's written intelligently.

Warhammer 40k Black Legion Supplement Pdf MergeBlack legion warhammer 40k

Ultimately the fluff in Codex: Black Legion works so well as it's not repeating the same mistakes Codex: Iyanden and Codex: Farsight Enclaves committed. It's not a book consisting of efforts to try and completely re-write the entire canon or determined to do something massively earth-shattering to the universe, only flesh out the army it features and enrich established canon with new details.

We now know why Abaddon is in command, what happened involving him and the daemon primarchs of the other legions. Better yet, the exact objectives of previous crusades are now known, and make a great deal of sense overall with the testing of defences and building alliances with other corrupted forces. The only real times the book ever tries to truly push for new additions is in minor ways. For example, the 10th Black Crusade was performed in an effort to gain Perturabo's support in future campaigns. Rather than it being directed against the Imperial Fists however, it was instead sent against the Iron Hands with a newly established feud between the forces.

This new establishment of a feud seems odd, but it is at least left vague enough to be expanded upon. Something which could easily be put down to a previous single defeat at their hands rather than something reaching all the way back to the Horus Heresy.

Warhammer Black Legion

The Star of ChaosThe following is a list of all known Traitor Legions, Renegade Space Marine Chapters or warbands of operating in Imperial space. The are comprised of the original 9 that betrayed their oaths of loyalty to the during the ancient civil war called the more than 10,000 standard years ago.The Traitor Legions were led by the, once a of the Imperium and the Emperor's most trusted friend, son, and adviser before he was corrupted by the promises and lies of the and his own inner flaws.The Traitor Legions are the most powerful component of the. The flesh and of these warped and twisted into new, darker and inhuman forms under the influence of the energies they were exposed to, and came to embody the corrupted Astartes' new allegiance. Following their defeat during the final epic confrontation, known as the, the Emperor pronounced judgement upon the Traitor Legions. They were declared.Most of the remnants of the 9 Traitor Legions fled, along with the other Traitor Imperial forces that now served Chaos, chased by the Loyalist Astartes Legions into an area of the galaxy where the bled into, creating the permanent known as the.

Due to the nature of Chaos, and the temporal instability of the Warp, many of the very same Chaos Space Marines who revolted against the Emperor more than 10 millennia ago continue to fight their against the Imperium today, having effectively been granted a tortured immortality by the will of the.Please note: Fan-created Chapters must be posted at the and not on this page. A separate list also exists for. Contents HistoryRenegade Chapters are generally made up of Chaos Space Marines whose or companies turned to Chaos after the end of the, sometimes many millennia later. Some are not whole Chapters but simply warbands composed of a few tens or hundreds of drawn from the same original source and led by a charismatic commander.